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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Arby's / Taco Bell part 2b

Arby's: Arby-Q - 2 for $4
Taco Bell: Mini spicy chicken quesadilla

-Spicy Arby-Q-
This week I went for two combinations. The second, while made the same way, addressed the taste of the meat. Whatever sauce Taco Bell uses on these little beauties went really well with Arby's barbeque sauce. The tortilla was the same consistency as the bun, but it didn't hinder the taste (at least enough to notice). What I learned from this combination was to always snag some taco bell hot sauce if I'm going to Arby's.

Verdict: Thumbs up. A real improvement taste wise, but it's still just meat on a  bun.

Josh's Opinion: Good GOD! It was really good, the real winner of the days exploits. The BBQ sauce with the spicy chicken was what I loved the most. Sweet and Spicy, a good combination.

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